The Library of Liz

A spot for Liz's daily occurences and random thoughts.

Location: Salt Lake City &/or Pleasant Grove, Utah, United States

I'm a young student at the University of Utah who can't wait for good weather and at least one stress-free week (is there such a thing?).

Thursday, June 22, 2006

Well, things have been kinda crazy lately . . .

I haven't really spent the time on my novel-in-progress, Tetiana, that I wanted to spend while I am here in North Dakota. Unfortunately, Nikki and baby Elijah are both very sick right now and I am doing quite a lot of babysitting and cleaning around the house (Dan, being in the Air Force, can't exactly ask to have work off). Also, any freetime I might have has been sucked up by an addictive game, "Heroes of Might and Magic II", which Danny introduced me to this week. Currently, I am playing three games (one three-player with Danny and Nikki, one two-player with Nikki, and a one-player game). I can't seem to stop playing! This thing is worse than Neopets! *Note to self: get more self-control*

I, myself, am feeling under the weather and look forward to deteriorating conditions, seeing as how Gabby has begun to cough and all of the illnesses plaguing Nikki and Elijah are contagious (strep, pharyngitis, thrush . . .). Wish me luck and an excellent immune system!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Stay strong, immune system! One week to go. I need to pick up the pace on my own writing. You only have, what, four pages to go? Description you sent me reads great. I like how different it is. All stalactitey (is that a word?) and not your typical dwarven dwelling. You made it your own and I can picture it just fine. :-)


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