Last night it snowed or, rather, it iced. Though the weather remains rather pleasant (not the marvelous shirtsleeves weather that ended last week, but still warmish and sunny), the entire ground was covered with a sheet of ice. People had been around to spread the expected salt and de-icer, but the walk down-campus still promised to be treacherous, especially as it is down a rather steep slope and I had the lack of foresight to wear shoes with zero traction. As I slid my way down the sidewalk, sometimes resorting to grabbing things like cars and fences or slosh through frosty mud to avoid falling, I regretted my decision not to wait and take the shuttle. Sure, it would have taken me longer to get to class, but it would undoubtedly have been safer. I did manage to avoid falling until I had almost made it to the Union. I had noticed that the blacktop was less icy than the sidewalks, so I detoured slightly to cut across the Union parking lot. Just as I neared the sidewalk in front of the building, I became over confident, hit a patch of invisible black ice, slipped and fell. My bag skittered away across the veritable ice rink that was a parking space, my clothes picked up all the water the sun had managed to coax out of the ice, and I nearly snapped my wrist catching myself. Now bruised, damp, and embarrassed, I fled (as quickly as a girl with joints like an 80-year-old hobbling over a strange ice/salt mix can flee) to the relative safety of indoors and began to regret my decision to get out of bed this morning. Now, I am writing this post for the sole purpose of postponing my return up-campus. Hopefully, the sun will have melted some more of the ice before I leave. If not, I may resort to taking the shuttle. If you've ever taken the shuttle anywhere here at the UofU, you know just how desperate I am to even consider such a thing.
The Library of Liz
A spot for Liz's daily occurences and random thoughts.
About Me
- Name: lizbit
- Location: Salt Lake City &/or Pleasant Grove, Utah, United States
I'm a young student at the University of Utah who can't wait for good weather and at least one stress-free week (is there such a thing?).
I like to think that the reason you slipped is a message from the Almighty commenting on the school that you chose to attend...just a thought... Just Kidding...but not really...
This is Erin, by the way, Nikki's (your sister-in-law)sister, (the younger one, but older than the youngest :)
He he he, that is so something that would happen to me! I was not blessed with the gift of grace, so I likely would have fallen without the excuse of icy ground
It always happens when you're almost there... Glad you didn't get too hurt. Be careful on your trip back.
This is a desperate plug to get you and your readers to enter my limerick contest. You could win a ducky towel!
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