The Library of Liz

A spot for Liz's daily occurences and random thoughts.

Location: Salt Lake City &/or Pleasant Grove, Utah, United States

I'm a young student at the University of Utah who can't wait for good weather and at least one stress-free week (is there such a thing?).

Monday, January 15, 2007

A Poem
To Always Remember

When my heart is filled with woe
To Thee I eas’ly go;
A soul of sorrow, needing peace,
From Thee I seek release

When for joy and love I yearn
I know to whom I turn
A mind with worry filled
Finds in Thee a Shield

But when all troubles fade away
No trials left to face each day
A child blessed unceasingly,
Do I turn away from Thee?

If so, dear Father, do not fail,
When your child’s prayers grow pale,
To bring her back by sending pain
In hope that she finds Thee again.


Blogger Nikki said...

Wonderful poem Liz! It makes me think about a certain someone who is straying so far right now.


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