The Library of Liz

A spot for Liz's daily occurences and random thoughts.

Location: Salt Lake City &/or Pleasant Grove, Utah, United States

I'm a young student at the University of Utah who can't wait for good weather and at least one stress-free week (is there such a thing?).

Thursday, August 31, 2006

Amazingly, of the nine Wilcox siblings, only Nathan and Benjamin don't write fantasy and/or poetry. Both of them, however, are just as into reading as the rest of the family. Yel, we're bookish bunch. ^_^

I really shouldn't have the tv on while I'm writing. I just totally lost my train of thought (a commercial about an elephant who is married to a centipede--where do they come up with these things?--distracted me). Anyway, off to homework land I go, when I'll emerge nobody knows.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I love books! The covers are a bit hard to digest though.


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